Thursday, December 6, 2007

Secret Greek Pledger Spotted

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photo by Martine Cajucom

A girl, who refused to identify herself or the sorority she was pledging for, was spotted near the PH buildings at CSULB.

She said "she will get in deep trouble" if she reveals what sorority she is pledging for. After the photo was taken, she raced off.

Official Greek chapters on campus strictly forbid any form of hazing, and pledges typically wear the letters of the sorority/fraternity with the word "pledge." Perhaps this girl is pledging for another unrecognized Greek organization on campus that permits this type of pledging.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"From one Greek to Another" Event

Delta Sigma Chi, CSULB's co-ed multicultural fraternity, hosted an event on Dec. 5 called "From One Greek to Another" at the CSU Ballroom.

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Photo taken from Delta Sigma Chi's Myspace

Greeks gathered to hear various speakers, including alumni of Delta Sigma Chi, and Greek life coordinator, Caitlin Roberts, discuss diversity and the accomplishments of Greek organizations on campus. Various ice breakers and small group discussions between the organizations also took place.

Caitlin Roberts says this function gives "Greek organizations the opportunity to meet and learn about one another."

Delta Sigma Chi is the only co-ed, multicultural fraternity on campus. Multi-cultural fraternities are Greek organizations that are not chapters of national/campus councils (The Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, or National Pan Hellenic Council). These fraternities are regional or national organizations that focus on a specific interest or culture.

CSULB does not plan on expanding the number of multi-cultural fraternities on campus.

Monday, November 19, 2007

How to Get Suspended as a Greek

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Photo taken from TKE Myspace Account

Tau Kappa Epsilon has been suspended from being recognized by CSULB since 2005 due to several violations between 2000 and 2004.

The last straw took place in 2005 when high-ranking TKE members were upset that they were prohibited from joining a sorority on a bus ride. They proceeded "to pull up flowers and defecate on the front door step" of this particular sorority's home later in the night.

In 2010, TKE will finish their suspension and have the opportunity to possibly be reinstated at CSULB.

Interfraternity Council enforces the Executive Resolution , which states that "sororities voluntarily or knowingly involves itself or its affiliates with the participation of Tau Kappa Epsilon" will not be allowed to participate in social events for an entire semester.

TKE is still not currently recognized by campus, and any sorority that affiliates with the fraternity over extended periods of time "will result in one year disaffiliation from any and all activities with the Interfraternity Council."

Tau Kappa Epsilon has over 260 chapters in the U.S. and Canada, making it the world's largest fraternity. However, there is one less chapter recognized by CSULB.

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photo taken from Long Beach Tau Kappa Epsilon Website

Friday, November 16, 2007

'Phi-Tauction' at Frisco's

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Photo taken from Frisco's Website

The fraternity Phi Kappa Tau auctioned off their men at Frisco's, a carhop restaurant and bar with live entertainment in Long Beach, on Thursday night.

During the 'Phi-Tauction,' 20 fraternity members were auctioned off to buyers. Approximately $2000 was raised for children with chronic illnesses.

A pair of Phi Kappa Tau members was sold for $275. They were purchased by their girlfriends.

The auction entails a 24-hour "enslavement" service, where the auction winner is free to have the fraternity member do as they please. JB Myers, Phi Kappa Tau member, explains how its usually "school work or cleaning."

JB Myers had to wore a snug-fitted shirt that stated "I will do what she commands," at last year's auctions.

Phi Tau was re-chartered at CSULB in 2001 and wishes to expand to include more members.

The men of Phi Kappa Tau

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photo taken from CSULB Phi Kappa Tau's Website

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photo taken from CSULB Phi Kappa Tau's Website

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Greeks support 'Up 'Til Dawn' Charity Event

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The Kappa Sigma fraternity won the 'spirit competition' with 78 members present at the Up 'Til Dawn fundraiser, which took place on Nov. 6 in the University Student Ballroom.

The Sigma Pi fraternity and Delta Gamma sorority also showed up to support the Up til Dawn fundraiser, which benefits the Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.

The Up 'Til Dawn Fundraiser is an annual event that is projected to raise more than $50,000 this year to help children with life-threatening diseases.

Photo of Kappa Sigma's Fraternity House

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photo taken from CSULB Archives

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Greeks Awarded at Wilson High

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photo taken from Woodrow Wilson High Myspace

Fraternities and sororities gathered at Woodrow Wilson High School for a Greeks Awards Ceremony to see how their organizaton sized up against other Greeks. Awards boasted academic, athletic, philanthropic and social excellence.

Over 600 people were in attendance, including our campus' recognized chapters.

Delta Gamma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon were both recognized for their academic achievement with the highest cumulative grade point averages for men and woman.

-Women: Delta Gamma received a 3.041 average.
-Men: Sigma Alpha Epsilon received a 2.967 average.

Delta Gamma, Pi Kappa Phi and Zeta Phi Rho won the Penny Wars with over 22,000 points, which raised $2,300. Delta Gamma was also the overall winner for Greek Week.

Caitlin Roberts, our very own on-campus Greek life coordinator, was awarded as the Greek Adviser of the Year for the Western Region.

"I am very proud of everyone, especially the I.F.C. and Panhellenic councils for putting on such a great event. It was great to recognize all the chapters for all their hard work and accomplishments," said Roberts.

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Interview with TDB Member

During an interview with an anonymous Theta Delta Beta member, I learned that this "underground" organization does not like to be classified as a fraternity, for they refer to themselves as a "brotherhood."

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photo taken from TDB'swebsite

Here is what we had to say, on the record.

Q: Describe your experience as a member of TDB.

A: My experiences were very challenging. There were many things I had to learn and traditions and humilities I had to follow.

Q: What made you want to join?

A: The brotherhood and camaraderies made me want to join; also the networking and the challenge. It was a college experience I hope to look back at that I would never regret because it was fun. You make brothers and friends for life..

Q: What types of functions does your fraternity host?

A: We host all types of functions from parties and fundraisers to community service events. We really try and excel on making this fraternity as much of a business as it is a brotherhood. We also host annual events such as Friendship Games and Episode Showcase. We also participate in "stepping" competitions.

Q: Has your fraternity ever tried to become a chapter or be recognized by the school?

A: According to our traditions, my fraternity does and plan not to be chartered by the school. We embrace the fact that we are an underground brotherhood with the morals of family and such.

Q: Was that a conscious desicion?

A: My conscious decision would be to keep our traditions because after all, we are trying to kill the stereotype that to join a fraternity you have to pay for your friends. We highly believe in just spending time with each other, just being real without obligation. We choose not to be chartered by the school because we want to uphold our tradition of remaining an underground brotherhood.

Q: Does not being part of a school-recognized fraternity allow more freedom?

A: I think there would be pros and con to both sides of being recognized and not being recognized to the school. By not being recognized, we don't have to pay the campus regulations and abide by strict regulation at that. But because we are underground, it is slightly harder to get our name out to the students because we cannot really have a table during Greek Week.

Q: What does your fraternity do to get your name out there?

A: Its definitely all about strategy. Having a family member or close friend in the group helps, but word of mouth plays the biggest role. My fellow brothers and I also distribute fliers around campus to promote upcoming events like I mentioned before - Friendship Games and Episode Showcase.

Videos of TDB "stepping"

video taken from

video taken from

"We are a fraternity that enjoys each other's company, and we know how to have a good time," an anonymous member says.

Theta Delta Beta's spoof of Nike commercial

video taken from

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Unrecognized Fraternities on Campus

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photo taken from TDB's website

Long Beach may be far from any Skull and Bones organization, but there are fraternities on campus not recognized as official chapters of the school, technically making them "underground."

Theta Delta Beta, a non-recognized organization, was founded in 1990 in Irvine within a group of close group of friends. It consists of mainly Filipino members and has expanded to include four chapters in UCI, UCLA, Cal State Fullerton, and most recently, Cal State Long Beach in 2002.

TDB members refer to themselves as "The Dark Boyz," making reference of their darker skin.

Interestingly enough, the Philippines is one of the very few countries besides the United States that has active Greek organizations with Greek letters.

TDB hopes to expand on CSULB with more members.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Greek Housing

When you imagine a Greek house, images that immediately come to mind are those from pop culture classics such as Legally Blonde (2001) and Animal House (1978). However, this idea of girls frolicking in their unmentionables and wild toga parties may be far from the truth, if they are abiding by the strict housing policies.

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Caitlin Roberts, CSULB Greek life coordinator, says that alcohol, drugs and boys sleeping over are strictly forbidden in all sorority houses. There are a few fraternities that do allow alchohol, given that they are of legal age. Perhaps thats an issue of sexism, but thats a whole different topic.

Housing is controlled by an organization of alumni that the members pay rent to. "Availability and preference determine which room you're in," a sorority member who lives in a Greek house says.

There can be anywhere from 8 to 12 members per household. Some members may share the larger rooms or may have a room all to themselves. Food tends to not be communal as members clearly mark which products belong to them. There is an unspoken mutual understanding that every member respects each other's property.

Although the houses are located near campus, sorority members are more likely to drive to CSULB because "it's just easier and Long Beach isn't exactly the most safe place to walk or bike through," one anonymous member says.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Underground Secret Academic Societies

President George W. Bush and John Kerry were allegedly both members of Yale's underground secret society "Skulls and Bones." Their allegiance to this society supposedly outweighs any loyalty to their political parties.

"Bonesman," term for the members, would meet in "The Tomb" to conduct their ultra secret meetings.

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Watch Kerry and Bush squirm as they are questioned about their alleged membership.

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Caitlin Roberts says its highly unlikely that CSULB has any of their own underground secret societies. But if there was an organization, "we wouldn't know anyway because its secret, Roberts laughs.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Greek Secrecy

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Anyone not involved in a fraternity or sorority knows (or should know) not to ask any members about Greek rituals. One member who wishes to remain anonymous says it creates "an everlasting bond between frat brothers...[one] that cannot be shattered."

These highly sacred secrets and practices shared only between members upon initiation is and will forever be off-limits to any non-members and media, especially. "Many of the Greek organizations have strict media policies to follow, like the chapter's name cannot be revealed and certain information is kept out of the public," an anonymous CSULB sorority member says.

As secretive as fraternities and sororites may seem in our very own Cal State, members can still be recognized by their several items of clothing dressed in their Greek letters (most commonly, the token hooded sweaters, sweat/pajama pants, and patches for backpacks).

However, according to Caitlin Roberts, CSULB Greek life coordinator, underground secret social organizations still exist in several Ivy League Schools.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Origins of "Greek Life"

We see them every fresh start of the year wearing their Greek letters proudly. As for the rest of us non-members, we are clueless about what it means to be truly be part of the Greek system or the Greek terms. Sure, many of us stereotype and say that all "frats" and sorority girls do is party, but I am here to blog about what fraternity and sorority members really contribute on campus, whether that be positive or negative, and any other newsworthy events that is associated with CSULB Greek Life.

First and foremost, we must understand that these social organizations have been an on-going American tradition since 1776 with the first nationally recognized fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa.
This Greek society began in the College of William and Mary and was composed of those rejected from the "Flat Hat Club."

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Phi Beta Kappa is still an active organization today and has several prominent alum to boast.

Samuel Morse — Yale, 1810

Theodore Roosevelt — Harvard, 1880

Pearl Buck — Randoph-Macon Woman's College, 1914

Francis Ford Coppola — Hofstra, 1959

Tom Brokaw — South Dakota, 1962

Bill Clinton — Georgetown, 1968

Condoleezza Rice — Denver, 1974

Peyton Manning — Tennessee, 1997

As for the letters themselves, they obviously represent the Greek alphabet, but the actual symbolic value of each letter differs for every organization. Each combination of letters and the letters themselves carry a special (and highly secretive) meaning that only members of the specific group can know.

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CSULB's oldest running Greek organization is
Sigma Pi and has been an active organization on campus since 1955. They are the the oldest and largest fraternity on campus with 84 members currently.

They recently won the IFC basketball championship and have iniated 45 new members this year alone.

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photo from Sigma Pi's Official Website