Saturday, October 27, 2007

Interview with TDB Member

During an interview with an anonymous Theta Delta Beta member, I learned that this "underground" organization does not like to be classified as a fraternity, for they refer to themselves as a "brotherhood."

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photo taken from TDB'swebsite

Here is what we had to say, on the record.

Q: Describe your experience as a member of TDB.

A: My experiences were very challenging. There were many things I had to learn and traditions and humilities I had to follow.

Q: What made you want to join?

A: The brotherhood and camaraderies made me want to join; also the networking and the challenge. It was a college experience I hope to look back at that I would never regret because it was fun. You make brothers and friends for life..

Q: What types of functions does your fraternity host?

A: We host all types of functions from parties and fundraisers to community service events. We really try and excel on making this fraternity as much of a business as it is a brotherhood. We also host annual events such as Friendship Games and Episode Showcase. We also participate in "stepping" competitions.

Q: Has your fraternity ever tried to become a chapter or be recognized by the school?

A: According to our traditions, my fraternity does and plan not to be chartered by the school. We embrace the fact that we are an underground brotherhood with the morals of family and such.

Q: Was that a conscious desicion?

A: My conscious decision would be to keep our traditions because after all, we are trying to kill the stereotype that to join a fraternity you have to pay for your friends. We highly believe in just spending time with each other, just being real without obligation. We choose not to be chartered by the school because we want to uphold our tradition of remaining an underground brotherhood.

Q: Does not being part of a school-recognized fraternity allow more freedom?

A: I think there would be pros and con to both sides of being recognized and not being recognized to the school. By not being recognized, we don't have to pay the campus regulations and abide by strict regulation at that. But because we are underground, it is slightly harder to get our name out to the students because we cannot really have a table during Greek Week.

Q: What does your fraternity do to get your name out there?

A: Its definitely all about strategy. Having a family member or close friend in the group helps, but word of mouth plays the biggest role. My fellow brothers and I also distribute fliers around campus to promote upcoming events like I mentioned before - Friendship Games and Episode Showcase.

Videos of TDB "stepping"

video taken from

video taken from

"We are a fraternity that enjoys each other's company, and we know how to have a good time," an anonymous member says.

Theta Delta Beta's spoof of Nike commercial

video taken from

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